Times Where an Overdenture is the Best Option

If you have lost a lot of teeth whether due to disease, age, an accident or some other reason, you are probably wondering what your options are for replacing these teeth. If many teeth were lost, getting implants to replace all of them may not be cost effective. You may have to start looking at dentures.

Dentures are a rather misunderstood type of solution for your dental problems. You have likely known people that had all of their teeth pulled, even good ones, to make way for a full denture. You may have heard about partial ensures where the denture is attached to the teeth that are remaining in your mouth.

Then there are the questions of whether you have to take them out every night, are they removable, how do you clean them, can they fall out? Can you have the kind that are anchored with implants?

How can you avoid having full dentures because you don’t want any bone loss? What is an overdenture? All of these are reasonable questions, but for now, we’ll focus on the last one.

What Are Overdentures?

Overdentures are dentures that are attached to the remaining teeth or are attached to implants. It can be either a complete or partial denture. A complete denture replaces all of the teeth. If you are missing more than six teeth an overdenture may be the solution for you.

Overdentures have the singular advantage over traditional dentures in that they reduce the amount of shrinking in your jawbone and they are strong enough to keep your dentures stable when you are chewing, biting, and talking. This type of denture lasts longer and unlike traditional dentures, it typically does not have to be refitted. They are also removable.

When you get overdentures that are supported by your natural teeth, it is usually the canines that support them. Overdentures are a good option if you have teeth present because you can avoid the extraction of the rest of your teeth. This type of overdenture can be used for both the upper and lower jaw.

Implant-supported overdentures are an option if you do not have your canines or if we think that implant teeth would be stronger than your natural teeth. But implant-supported overdentures work the same way as overdentures supported by your natural teeth and both methods preserve the jawbone.

If you would like to discuss your options, please give us a call.

Painful Teeth Can Stem from Acid Erosion of Your Enamel

Acid erosion is a common cause of tooth decay, and it can lead to pain and sensitivity. Many people aren’t aware of the damaging effects of acid erosion, but protecting your teeth from it is essential to prevent discomfort and future oral health problems.

What is Acid Erosion?

Acid erosion is tooth wear that leads to irreversible loss of vital tooth structure. An acid-rich diet can put the enamel at risk of erosion, and as few as four acidic events throughout the day is all that it takes for the teeth to be affected. Even healthy food choices like fruit, salad dressings, and sparkling water are highly acidic and can attack the enamel.

How Does Acid Erosion Affect the Teeth?

If you consume a diet that is high in acidic foods and drinks, you might experience the effects of acid erosion. While you may not be able to see those effects on your own right away, we can look for signs at your regular dental visit. Some of the most common symptoms include pain and sensitivity. As the protective enamel of your teeth wears away, the underlying dentin will be exposed.

Your teeth may also change in appearance as a result of acid erosion. When the enamel wears away due to acid attacks, the yellow, dentin layer will become more visible. Teeth affected by acid erosion may lose their shine, and they could appear dull. Rounded edges are also common when the teeth are attacked by acid.

How Do You Prevent Acid Erosion?

There are a few steps that you can take to prevent acid erosion. Brush your teeth regularly, but always wait for at least 30 minutes after eating or drinking something acidic. Use a straw to divert acidic drinks away from your teeth.

Remember the importance of regular dental visits in protecting your teeth from acid. Call us today to set up your next appointment.

How to Keep Your Veneers Bright White

Veneers are a great way to reshape your teeth and smile. However, you may notice that they’re not as white as they once were. Fortunately, there are some things you can easily do here.

Maintain Good Oral Hygiene

Keeping your veneers clean and white is a matter of maintaining a proper oral health care routine. This routine is no different from how you’d take care of your natural teeth. You must brush your teeth twice daily for two minutes each time, floss at least once daily, and visit our office on a regular basis for dental cleanings. Visiting us twice yearly won’t only help you maintain crisp, white teeth and veneers, but it’ll also ensure that nothing is going wrong with your oral health.

Avoid Any Beverage That May Stain Your Teeth

One of the easiest ways in which your veneers will lose their vibrant white look is by you drinking beverages like coffee, tea, or red wine. Smoking and chewing tobacco will also stain your veneers. The good news is that if you can’t avoid these things, there are some stain-resistant veneers available today. Make sure you discuss this option with us before we put veneers on your teeth, though, since we may not always use those options.

Consume a Healthy Diet

There are many great reasons why you should maintain a healthy diet. Not only will it make you feel better, but it can also help you maintain whiter teeth. For instance, crunchy produce like apples and celery scrapes plaque off your teeth when you eat it.

If you can make these small changes in your overall lifestyle, we feel that you’ll be much happier with your dental veneers. Knowing this, if you’re ready to get veneers, we encourage you to call and set up an appointment so we can get the process started for you as soon as possible.

Alcohol Dries Out Your Mouth and Does Not Need to Be In Dental Products

The dangers of alcohol are well documented. People know that they cannot drink and drive safely. They know that if alcohol can damage their liver. What they don’t always realize is the number of ways that alcohol gets into their body.

There are many dental products that include alcohol. The makers of these products talk about how the alcohol in them benefits oral health, but that does not mean it is necessary. There are ways that the alcohol can cause problems for your oral health.

The Impact of a Dry Mouth

It seems like it is not a big deal. If you have a dry mouth, you drink some water to solve the problem. That is an understatement of what happens. A dry mouth means you are not producing as much saliva as you should. The saliva is important to your oral health because it can help wash away any debris on your teeth and gums. The saliva can also help remove bacteria that grows on the teeth and gums. The saliva also helps maintain the health of the soft tissue of the gums.

When the mouth is dry, all the protections of saliva disappear. The bacteria will grow, and the health of the soft tissue is in danger. It is important to take steps to prevent and to help with a dry mouth.

Alcohol and a Dry Mouth

When you drink alcohol, you also will end up urinating more. This can lead to dehydration, which can also lead to a dry mouth. Limiting the alcohol you drink can help prevent this problem, but that is not the only way that you get alcohol.

There are many dental products that contain alcohol. These products can lead to a dry mouth if you use them too often or too much of them. There are few benefits to the alcohol in these products, so they are not worth the danger of a dry mouth.

For more information about this or any other oral health issue, contact our office to schedule an appointment.

4 Tips to Getting a Healthier Smile Before Your Next Appointment

While dentist appointments can be scary, they don’t have to be. There are some things you can do beforehand so you have a healthier smile the next time you arrive in our office.

Pay Attention to Your Tooth Brushing Habits

Make sure you’re brushing your teeth for a minimum of a full two minutes twice a day. The best way to do this is to set a timer. By spending two minutes brushing your teeth, you’ll be able to effectively reach every area of your mouth in which cavity-causing bacteria can hide. As you do so, use a soft touch at a 45-degree angle, brushing in small circles so you don’t ruin your enamel. By brushing too hard in a back-and-forth motion you’re causing your gums to recede and damaging your tooth’s structure.

Use the Right Toothbrush

You should get an electric toothbrush if possible. These are better because they closely resemble the tools we use in our office. They also clean hard to reach parts of your mouth better. Even with this type of a toothbrush you’ll need to change it frequently. When its bristles grow frayed, they won’t do as good of a job at cleaning your mouth. These frayed bristles also harbor bad bacteria that leads to infections, including gum diseases and gingivitis. We recommend you change your toothbrush at least every three or four months. Additionally, it should be changed after each time you get sick.

Remember to Floss

Simply brushing your teeth isn’t enough. You must also floss before you brush your teeth so the plaque gets loosened and can be removed when you do brush. Make sure you’re using 18 inches of floss wrapped in a U-shape between your fingers. Gently guide it between your teeth without sawing back and forth.

Chew on Some Gum

Chewing sugar-free gum between meals when you can’t brush your teeth is a great way to ward off cavities and remove any leftover food debris. It will also help activate your saliva, which acts as a buffer between the bacteria and your teeth. This is a great way to help keep your bones and tissues healthier too.

Now that you have a healthier smile, make sure you call our office and make an appointment so we can help you maintain it better.