Category Archives: Uncategorized

Are Some People More Susceptible to Developing Cavities?

You brush your teeth twice a day for two minutes at a time religiously, and you make sure to floss every morning. Your spouse only brushes once a day and rarely flosses. Then, at your next dental appointment, you were the one with the cavity! What gives? Is there a chance that some people are […]

Are Tooth Loss and Kidney Disease Connected?

Tooth loss can result in a variety of problems. When we lose teeth, the jawbone that was intended to support them can begin to reabsorb, and the rest of the teeth may start to shift into the newly-emptied spot. Depending on where the tooth is, it can also be difficult to eat, bite, and speak […]

4 Tips for a Happier Dental Visit

Do you have an upcoming dental visit that you are hoping to make a more positive experience than ever? Your dentist wants you to be comfortable, but there are a few things that you can do to make the process go more smoothly, as well. Get there Early There’s nothing worse than running late for […]

Can Burping Damage Your Teeth?

Burping is gross habit, and if you can’t control it, it can be embarrassing. Not only that, but burping can be the sign of a greater medical condition like acid reflux, especially if you also experience painful heartburn. Additionally, burping can be bad news for the teeth, so if you find that you are burping […]

3 Reasons People Aren’t Flossing

None of us really enjoy flossing, but people with the best oral hygiene understand the importance and do it despite their inner protests. Unfortunately, many people avoid flossing altogether, and there are three main reasons that they are skipping this extremely important dental hygiene activity. They Experience Pain or Bleeding Many people are under the […]