Author Archives: Evan Davis

3 Ways your Brushing Habits Ruin your Oral Health

If you brush your teeth twice a day, you likely think that you are doing your oral health a favor. The bad news is that you might not be doing it right, putting your oral health at even higher risk of damage. No matter how many times you brush your teeth a day, if you […]

Simple Ways to Keep Your Mouth Healthy

Your mouth is one of the most important organs in your body. Its functions are very important when consuming food and drink as it is the first place that each of these items go before ending up in the digestive system. Because of its importance, everyone needs to know how to keep their mouth healthy […]

What your bad breath is telling you.

If you have chronic bad breath, your mouth could be trying to tell you something important. It is time to listen. If you have not recently consumed food that is known for bad breath, such as garlic or onions, and you cannot seem to kick the bad odor, you might be at risk for a […]

Visit the Dentist Before Whitening your Teeth

If you are the DIY type person and want to whiten your teeth at home, there are many kits available that allow you to do it quite easily. But before you begin, it is important to see the dentist . There are certain circumstances that would not be conducive to teeth whitening that you would […]

Take it Easy on Your Gums

Brushing your teeth needs to be done just right in order for it to benefit your mouth and help reduce problems found during a dental cleaning. Many people think that the harder that they brush, the better job they will do to clean their teeth. The opposite is actually true. The harder that you brush […]