Dental Exams

At least once a year, a person needs to go to the dentist to have a comprehensive dental exam. This is a preventative treatment that can recognize issues with the teeth before they become much larger problems. A comprehensive exam does not involve any painful procedures. There is nothing to fear when going for this type of dental exam. Not getting a regular comprehensive exam could cause a problem to go undetected for a long period of time, before getting the treatment that is needed. The delay could lead to much more serious health problems later on.

Child Dental Exams

Parents make sure their kids go to the dentist on a regular basis. They stress the importance of brushing their teeth and regular dental checkups. They tell their children that there is nothing to be afraid of when going to the dentist. Somehow, adults seem to forget the lessons they teach to kids. The best way to overcome the excuses that are given for not getting comprehensive dental exams yearly is to understand what is involved in these exams.

The Examination

  • Giving a written record of the medical and dental history. The history should include all of the procedures that have been done and all of the medications an individual is taking.
  • Oral cancer screening. This screening should be done both visually and digitally. It should check the lymph nodes, tongue, cheek and the insides of the mouth for any irregularities.
  • X-rays should be taken. The x-rays are a simple series of pictures that give a comprehensive view of the mouth, teeth, bones and gums.
  • A periodontal examination should be done. This is a thorough examination of the condition of the gums. The assessment should be done for any potential signs of gum disease.
  • An occlusal examination will be performed. The bite is examined for any underbite, overbite or crossbite. Teeth are checked for any wear. An examination will look for any jaw problems such as TMJ.
  • The comprehensive exam will also do a thorough check for any cavities, it will check any prior work that has been done and it should include a tooth by tooth check for any damaged, broken or missing teeth.


When you look at the things involved in a comprehensive exam, you will notice that they are looking for any signs of potential problems with a person’s teeth and gums. These are not invasive procedures and there is little discomfort involved.

Dental Exam Results

The dentist will use the results of the comprehensive dental exam to determine what, if any, treatment needs to be done. They can come up with a plan for the patient that will help maintain their overall oral health. The procedures do not require any needles or anesthesia. They can include different relaxation techniques that will help patients that are apprehensive about going to see the dentist.

If a person wants to keep their natural teeth for as long as possible, the comprehensive dental exam is an essential tool that has to be used. It will only improve the way that a person feels every day. They will be confident that their smile looks good and they know they will not have to worry about the problems that can occur when dental health is not taken care of.