Best Flossing Practices

Are you ready to achieve that bright happy smile you have always dreamed of? Good flossing technique and a strictly followed daily regiment can go a really long way in maintaining a happy smile and healthy gums.

According to dental experts, a thorough flossing should occur at least once a day.  Flossing will get the plaque between your teeth that brushing cannot get to and keep the plaque from turning into its dangerous hardened form, tartar.

There is some debate as to whether it is more beneficial to floss before or after brushing.  The answer to this hotly contested debate is: both.  Floss!  There is little difference as to flossing before or after brushing.  The same can be said about the best time of day to floss.  Many people prefer to floss before bed so that they can go to bed with a fresh feeling mouth.  Other people are so exhausted by the time they get to bed that flossing is best for them first thing in the morning.

Parents should begin flossing the teeth of children as soon as the child has 2 teeth touching.  Flossing is generally beyond the manual dexterity of children so it is advised for adults to floss children’s teeth until they are 10 or 11 years of age.

Flossing should not be painful!  It is important to find a happy medium between gentle flossing and too vigorous flossing.  If you are having any trouble finding this happy medium be sure to ask your dentist for advice.

There are several options available for flossing: dental picks, waxed floss, non-waxed floss, tiny brushes.  Try out several and decide which one works the best for you.  Discuss these options with your dentist to find out if you are particularly predisposed to have success with a specific type of flossing medium or technique.

Keep in mind that there is only so much your dentist can do for you and your smile.  The majority of your success or failure hinges upon a daily regimen of brushing and flossing.  Remember to floss!  You will thank yourself years down the line when you still have all your teeth and that great shiny smile!

Please contact us if you have any questions about your flossing habits.