Category Archives: Dental Health

Early Symptoms of Palate Cancer

Many doctors are quoted saying that prevention is better than cure. This is because they understand that patients stand a better chance at steering away from an illness or infection than they sometimes do from getting healed. This is especially for the times a disease has gone too far and is almost irreversible. It is […]

Does Whitening Come at the Expense of Your Enamel?

Many people around the world want white teeth. They can signal good health to observers, and even look great for photos when there is a big occasion. However, you may have heard that teeth whitening can cause damage to the enamel of your teeth. Enamel wear can be a problem since enamel is the outer […]

Dangers Associated with an Oral Piercing and Your Teeth

Many people consider body piercings as a form of facial expressions. While piercings to your tongue might look cool and trendy, they still pose some dangers to your overall health and wellbeing. This is because our mouths are filled with bacteria. On top of that, swelling and infections tend to occur when we have mouth […]

Can Wisdom Teeth Remain in Place?

10 million wisdom teeth get ripped out of the back of Americans – mouths a year. For decades, the procedure was performed only when the teeth, also known as third molars, were causing real trouble. After World War II the ranks of dentists exploded, and with them recommendations that people get their third molars removed […]

Types of Tea That Can Improve Oral Hydration

A dry mouth can lead to a variety of dental problems. The best way to prevent these problems from happening is to keep your mouth hydrated. There are several things you can turn to for help with this. The question becomes what the best way is to keep and improve your oral hydration. Some believe […]